Depot staff in the workshop, drivers and traffic managers alike need a data-centric approach – giving them an easier and more efficient way of handling day-to-day operations. This is what Tenix maintenance can do for them. 

Tenix Maintenance

Today’s bus operations have high demands in regard to punctuality and level of up-time. In the past, bus operations were primarily about the mechanical elements of the bus, but now it involves data from the bus, IT components and software solutions that need to be monitored and maintained. Our ambition with Tenix maintenance is that both software and mechanical elements are gathered in one place – Tenix maintenance. The product will work as the “software overlayer” where action is taken and historical reports are available.  

The Tenix platform keeps track of each vehicle’s different components. This includes vehicle’s mechanical and electrical components as well as on-board IT systems. If a service or a module is not working or is reporting errors, it will immediately trigger a warning in the system. 

The Tenix platform monitors all components on the bus. According to the ITxPT standard, each component reports its status via a defined interface. Tenix vehicle and equipment monitoring aggregates all of these, and provides a per-bus status, as well as a detailed status of each component. In addition, Tenix also monitors anomalies in the incoming data, which helps identify issues with components. Any detected issues are also presented. 

If there are any faults in the mechanical or electrical components in a bus, the data will be available via FMS. The on-board Tenix FMS module will read this information and transmit it to the Tenix platform for immediate processing.

Tenix error reporting is an incident management feature that supports easy error reporting for drivers and depot staff, as well as efficient and correct problem solving in the workshop. The error reporting is done in an iOS/Android app.